


Hydrology is the most important abiotic factor that shapes wetland character because it influences abiotic ecological processes that determine vegetation type (marsh, swamp, fen, bog) and wildlife use. Anything that influences inflows and outflows (e.g., precipitation, groundwater, soil characteristics, surface water, tidal flow, floods and droughts, and evaporation) affects hydrology and wetland type. Whatever the blend of drivers, the balance between inflow and outflow determines the depth, hydroperiod, and frequency of flooding, three of the most important drivers of bird and mammal use of wetlands. The physical energy associated with inflows and outflows of water may also exert an important influence on wetland vegetation, as in wetlands bordering lakes and riverine wetlands. OCreeds perform the following actions:

  • Infiltration
  • Soil Moisture Analysis
  • Surface Water Flow Measurement
  • Statistical Modeling